If anyone would be kind enough to help me then I have now uploaded my clips to youtube in hope someone can help and I would be more that grateful for their assistance because at this stage even Apple are struggling with how to fix the issues I’m having. Just to confirm I have been having unusual behavior on my Mac and I even have in writing (Copy of email) from an Apple Senior Support Adviser it is unexpected behavior and all this is after twice now the system has been wiped clean and fresh Mac OS installed, once by myself and once by the Apple Store who also removed the Drive Partitions before wiping the drive.Ībout myself – I work offshore as an Electro Technical Officer and take care of all the Electronics which include the IT equipment and once wrote a full Database package in C++ for a Video Rental Store, so I do know my IT reasonably well however none of my Work has involved Apple Mac OS and so this is why I came here for some help.
Well okay if it is a user issue then is this not the place to come for help and support? I was shocked to see my thread deleted and a message from an Administrator saying it was a “User Issue” with no offer or help.
Just under 1 week ago I posted here 'The ultimate source for your Mac' for help with Mac OS thinking that this was the place to come for help and assistance.